Flevy is the leading provider of premium business documents (e.g. management frameworks, financial models, presentation templates). Our documents are of the same caliber produced by top tier consulting firms, like McKinsey, Bain, Accenture, BCG, and Deloitte. Most documents were developed by seasoned executives and consultants with 20+ years of experience.
Here's a download link:
If you're also a PowerPoint user, you may be interested in our complimentary PowerPoint plugin, Flevy Tools. It provides a set of tools for creating business diagrams (e.g. Waterfall Charts, Gantt Charts, Value Chains, etc.). Here is a direct download link (no email or anything required) -- Installation instructions are included in the text file (in the zip). You can read more about Flevy Tools and see screenshots here: http://flevy.com/powerpoint-
Flevy provide this plugin to you and others for free as an introduction to our company, Flevy (http://flevy.com).
To gain a better sense of our documents, here are additional complimentary downloads for you and your colleagues --
- Strategy Development & Execution Primer - http://flevy.com/strategy-
frameworks - Operational Excellence Primer - http://flevy.com/download/
introduction-to-operational- excellence-38 - Sales Management Primer - http://flevy.com/fiaccabrino-
David Tang / flevy.com
Corporate Strategy
Email: dave@flevy.com / Skype: dtang4
Mobile: +1.323.387.3876
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/davetang4
www.flevy.com - Marketplace for Premium Business Documents
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